Tuesday, June 28, 2005

other bits and bobs re: glasters

other notes re: glastonbury
-much more inspired re: the make poverty history campaign (see the links section for more info)
-summer freckle face is in full gear. nearly constant wearing of my new wellies has kept the legs quite subdued though.
-I haven't cursed as much as I did since my days at gragert.
-full use of my brownie skills and the days when I would go camping with my cousins hit its high point in the roaring inferno of a campfire that I built. woo!

post-glasters life

post-glasters life is about many things, the most notable being running water. not to say that water didn't run at glastonbury, but not always in the way that it should. (it is at this point that you must read the following articles to have an informed clue of what I am writing about: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/music/4618015.stm and http://www.guardian.co.uk/arts/glastonbury2005/story/0,,1515285,00.html.) water running through overturned portaloos and water running over the tops of my short cut, but cute as hell yellow wellies is not the kind of running water that I so wonderously re-embraced hier soir. despite the joy I took in removing encrusted mud from my toenails, I wasn't so bothered by the lack of bathing for the last five days. my glastonbury experience was AMAZING; I truly had a wonderful time, even if the fear of slipping into a pond of sludge did keep me walking a bit more gingerly than normal.

while I knew that I would throughly enjoy the weekend, I was not prepared for just how much could be done. as amazing as it is to me, some people don't even see any concerts but still manage to be running about lost vagueness or sacred space at all hours of the day. it's actually a bit odd to wake up, eat my usual bowl of museli & yogurt (ps I ate so badly at the festival. that being said, I also ate many an english delicacy, so all in all, I'm not all that bothered.), and come to school to catch up on email and work on the big d. music-wise I didn't see everyone that I wanted to; there would have been no way that I could have done this as much as I would have tried, as there were so many rockstars about. what I did see/hear off the top of my head included the editors (so, so, so pumped that this band is around. really, really, really sad that I'll miss their next london gig.), the zutons, the killers, white stripes, new order (one of the best sets of the weekend for me), coldplay, david kitt, rodrigo y gabriella (awesome!), kaiser chiefs, rilo kiley, babyshambles, interpol (so good), bright eyes (complete twat), doves, and garbage. there are several other acts that I saw, but I really can't remember them all. in addition, I frolicked/sludged about with some new mates (really, some wonderful, great people; spending time with them made me re-remember that there are fabulous people everywhere in the world. you just have to find them.), ate lots of good food, danced until 6:00am in the silent disco tent, watched 'sin city' until it was past dawn, and just had a wonderous time. so happy that I made the trek out to somerset.

now, it's back to london life, which means lots o' dissertation work (fingers crossed), seeing friends, running, thinking of/looking for jobs and apts., and general prepping for my departure. *yikes!* additionally, paul will be in for a mini london tour in the next 10 days, I'm off for a short trip to copenhagen, and I'm trying to negotiate going to dublin for tara and damon's wedding when denny, leslie, nick, and mallory (uncle, aunt, and cousins from longmont, co) come to london for a week. busy busy girl. now to sit down and really think and write about genocide and photography. grim, eh?

loves to all.

ps kat, buy that darn ticket already! you must, must, must see the pixies, kaiser chiefs, kasabian, and hard-fi.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


just about to dash home, run some errands, do the last bit of packing, work a bit on the dissertation, and then I'm off! this festival has been in my schedule for so long I can hardly believe that it's here. but I'm pumped. it should be a wonderful experience. here's hoping it doesn't rain! (but if it does, I'll have some of the cutest wellies around.)


Monday, June 20, 2005

back at it.

here I am, once again, in goldsmiths computer centre working on a paper. only this is the paper. the as in THE. I am completely dumbfounded that it is already the end of june, that I'm already writing this paper, that I'm going to glasto in a few short days, that I've leaving london sooner than later. actually, I'm gutted by it all. how did this time go so quickly? saying goodbye to my university friends that are leaving for their homes in the english countryside only intensifies my complete shock that soon this will no longer be my city. whoa.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

holy canoli

this cheesy cliche applies to many things in my life right now, including the following...
holy canoli
-I have a bagillion photos to upload, label, and distribute via email (fear not, you'll not receive an album of my latest obsession, architecture. I would like to keep the friends that I have. unless you'd like to see it; then, I will pass the shots along.)
-my hair is much shorter than I thought it was going to be. (I had my hair cut this morning at the vidal sassoon school and, while my hair does look nice and the student and instructor both claim that they 'kept the length,' I must dispute their assertion. honestly, bits of my hair haven't been this short in quite some time. I miss patrick at art+science!)
-summer is flying by and my dissertation is not! lots of work to be done yet on this paper, especially before I come back to the states. yikes! looking to write a good bit of the first chapter before leaving for glastonbury next week.
-I can't believe how sad I am getting about leaving london. and my friends. and my running route. and my routine. and academia. and, and, and...
-I l-o-v-e barcelona! had such a wonderfully fabulous time in the city: the architecture (gaudi is mad!), the people, the food, the coffee, the beach (and my newly realized courage!). holiday was wonderful. definitely looking forward to jetting off to copenhagen. now, to book that flight...
-it's been a year since I've seen my family. the babies are getting bigger and the house is changing...things will be different once I return. (yes, I know, nothing stays the same. but this is kingsley people!)
-I am WAY behind on my correspondence. I made a list of all of the people that I need to email...over 55 people long. looks like I need to get a-crackin'!
-I'm running another marathon. confirmation that I'm crazy? perhaps, but how can I not? had a super 13.2 mile run on sunday and am pumped about training the rest of the summer, albiet alone, but I've never felt so good training. (now send me your money! not to me, of course, but for the aids foundation. more on that to come...)
-what am I going to do with myself post-londres??? the big question. at least the results will prove to be interesting...right?

there are many more things that I could holy canoli; but right now, I've got to finish uploading barcelona photos, which you all should receive within the next week, take out some books, and get to the gym. hope that this finds you all well. loves.

Monday, June 06, 2005

barcelona baby!

only because I've turned into a poor blogger (of course post-course essay time) am I quickly dashing off this note. but also because I am hella excited to lay about on the beach and be a flaneur in spain...yay! off to barcelona this afternoon for three wonderful days. have promised not to bring more than one dissertation-related book with me. hey, a girl needs something to read on the beach, right? am feeling more optimistic about my dissertation but can already see how easy it will be for summer to slide through my fingers and do little to nothing. will refocus on self-structured lifestyle post-mediterranean indulgence.