Wednesday, June 11, 2008

park slope = no desire to be pregnant

am in bklyn to visit a couple of friends from london. am spending the afternoon in a coffeeshop to get hella work done in the way of studying for prelims. there are children crawling all over the place, kids kicking balls, and moms just thinking it is the cutest thing ever. now, I recognize that many women in the twenties at some point utter, 'I don't think I'll want to be pregnant for quite some time,' for whatever reason. and yes, not all of them mean it. I can't say in particular that I mean it either, but dear god, here's one reason not to procreate: turning your local coffeeshop into an indoor playground. so not cool.

and here I go, back to trying to get work done while kiddies throw balls about my feet. fun.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

here comes the sun...

in a café listening to the beatles (hence the title of this post). have managed to make it through last semester and to say goodbye to a couple of friends that are moving from madison. :( after two frenzied days of packing, cleaning, and moving, I've finally made it down to chi. have unpacked and settled into mct's space and am attempting to get started on studying for my comparative politics prelim exam (which is at the end of the summer).

this summer will be interesting: will attempt to train for the marathon again (so looking forward to regular movement!); will attempt to draft funding proposals for my dissertation research (no small task); will study many hours each day for this prelim exam; and will see how living with mct works. have good feelings about all of them and intend on focusing on the positive throughout the summer. (even when I'm eternally frustrated with sitting and reading and taking notes...all summer.)

so, that's the quick update here. looking forward to a summer in chi with mct & my chicago-based friends, as well as a couple of trips here and there. and with that, I'm back to my job of studying.