it's been some time...
mostly because I've been a bit overwhelmed with the semester, mostly because I spent a good deal of january in chicago, mostly because I sometimes feel like I haven't much to say. but nevertheless, that's that.
so, it's semester two of the ph.d. gig. this semester has proven to be quite interesting even in the first TAing for the first time, have written a couple of fellowship applications (which could mean some tough decisions will need to be made), and I'm taking three seminars, for which I'll have to write substantial papers (three article quality bits...mmm...). ryan and I have a new roommate; also interesting. and I'm really into forrest yoga, which is more intense and challenging than the hatha class I was taking last semester. I feel really good afterwards and I'm hoping the class will help heal my feet (still twinges of plantar fasciitis) before it gets warm and I start running again. (october and the chicago marathon aren't that far away!) all is great with mct...we've been able to see each other every two weeks, which helps keep us, well, us. chatting on the phone can only do so much. and after being together for a year (whoa), one's mind tends to think the inevitable question: 'where is this going?' I don't know that either of us know right now, especially since I will not be in chi for some years, but there are things to think of. I'm having some twinges of missing my sisters presently, so some phone time should be put in to all of them. have heard from my grandmother that baby haydn is 'so smart.' yes, I think she says that about all of us. who doesn't want to hear a bit of that every now and again?
so, that's my bit of rambling for the first post of 2007. maybe I'll be a bit more regular, maybe I won't. right now, it's time to sit down to a bit of tea and whatever book I need to read for my state & society seminar. thursday night...