the end of 2006.

here it is, my reflection on 2006, much like those many other posts out there that people construct in thinking about the year coming to the end with another just hours away. why is it that we celebrate such an occasion with such reverence each year? the posing of this question doesn't mean that I am proposing an end to such a thing. I heart nye, as most people know quite well. memories of nye are often fond ones and are most often filled with friends. additionally, I think it's important for everyone to pause at some point (be in on december 31 or on another day) and think about how they have changed over the year (or reflected period of time).
2006 has been something of big changes. obviously, moving from chicago, trying to find my place in madison, trying to find my place in the world of academia (or begin to figure out how to do so), those have been some big changes, changes that I am still adjusting to and sorting out continuously. madison will likely sort itself out sooner than later; I'll find a new abode for the next academic year, I'll become a part of a new neighborhood, I'll be more settled with a friend circle. the academic bit, well, that will likely not be 'sorted' for some time. there is so much between now and the end of the program, and that end really is only a beginning. so there's that bit. the other category of big change has come with my being with mct. it's no secret to anyone that it took me some time to recover from the blow of pete, appropriately so, I suppose. it takes time to heal yourself and be prepared and willing to trust an investment of your heart to someone new. it's taken me some time and in no way has everything been made hunky dory (those darn doubts that enter my mind everyone once and a while, as foolish as they are), but I think that I've made some great progress in being with mct this year.
I know I've changed in other ways, but those are the two big categories into which my life is currently sorted. others will cross my mind as the evening proceeds and as the new year begins. high and low, I'm thankful for it all.