Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Originally uploaded by jlpetersen.
this photo was taken a month ago. though it's posted a bit late, it is no less important. such a lovely afternoon, even if we did just chat outside of o'hare.
Friday, July 07, 2006
one year ago
a year ago, I was in london, in russell square, at the gym, putting off a trip to the british library to work on the disseration. seeing the news of electrical bursts on the underground be realized as bombings on three london trains and one bus was unnerving. collecting my belongings from the locker room, getting texts from my friends making sure I was okay, attempting to find a taxi to take me to kate's flat in chalk farm, wandering across north london until I finally arrived, being scared, confused, and shocked. the process of working up the nerve to get on the bus the next morning.
how different life can be one year from another. my thoughts are with the city of london and its people today.
a guardian story on the attacks