thanksgiving 2006

thanksgiving. a holiday for loved ones, yummy food, and a bit of respite from the busy, busy world. (that is, if you avoid all black friday activities.) well, not this year, people. this year, I spent thanksgiving with a lot of new people (aside from ryan and amanda). a short drive from madison to chicago and there ry and I were, in the smack middle of a thanksgiving celebration of other thanksgiving orphans. all in all, it was a great time, but not the typical thanksgiving. and while I had such great spirits for the day, there were a couple of moments in which I ached for old friends. alas, such is what happens in our growing up years. I did have some yummy food and yes, the turkey was great. (tday is, after all, the only day that I eat the bird.)

a bit of respite was knocked out by the paper draft that I worked on for my transitional justice and political memory class (as mct only refers to as 'tj.' he's down with the poli sci lingo.) I don't know if it was a shift of hormones or the desire for a bit more rest, but this was not my weekend to try and pull together some original thought. I know that I put a lot of pressure on myself, but eee gads, this was not pretty. not pretty at all. lots of talk about being uncertain about the ph.d. gig, lots of tears, lots of stomach pains. what I sent my class is absolute shite and, joy of joy, I will be receiving comments during class tomorrow. how I sent something so awful to my class is beyond me; really, it was just something that I had to do to end the madness in which I had become engulfed. hopefully those bad feelings will not plague me when I finish the paper. hopefully the comments will pull me back on track. hopefully I won't want to quit for at least another four weeks (ie after the semester has ended).
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