gorgeous high

on the walk home
Originally uploaded by jlpetersen.
after waking up a bit later than I had wanted (I wanted to be up at 8.00a on a saturday morning. I need to be stopped.), I had a lovely yoga class, went to the farmer's market at the capitol to buy some tomatoes (little yellow grape ones, perfect for snacking) and onions, picked up some scones, and sat outside with an americano, soaking in the sunshine and working on some extra french exercises. an absolutely goregous day in madison, it really makes you think about other beautiful things in life. after a few minutes at home, I'm rushing out (with books in tow) to enjoy a bit more of this loveliness. though I am bogged down in work, I don't feel it at all. not yet at least. it's nice to have that burden off of me for a bit.
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