Saturday, February 25, 2006

domestic diva saturday

the title of this post may indicate that I spent my entire saturday sewing, cleaning, cooking, and arranging flowers. while this is most definitely not the case (I did work for 6.5 hours, after all), I both began and am ending my day with domestic-esque tasks. (does 'domestic' connote unpleasant? if so, then I must find another word to use, because my tasks have not been so.) I began the day with m. retrieving my clothes from his dryer *cute, eh?* and my folding them. after a bit of work and some coffee house time, I am patiently waiting for my cinnamon/almond/currant bread to rise so that I can put it in the oven and taste the results. (hopefully I proofed the yeast properly...such a fragile thing, yeast is.)

so, while my day has not been filled with domesticy bits, this little bread thing is sticking with me. I do hope that once I'm in my doctorate program that I remember to balance different aspects of my life. it is so easy to get wrapped up in the reading, the writing, the lectures that I sometimes miss simple joys like baking bread. I think I balanced life pretty well in london, but I'm not sure if that's an account of the education system or if that's a factor of more advanced degrees. obviously I won't have time to just loll about all day, but this is a bit of note to myself to take a break in the future and do things that I enjoy and do them for myself.


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