Friday, December 30, 2005

between the holidays

eee gads.

it's been ages and I've written not one thing. (yes, I realize such a statement is a wee bit dramatic.) there is much to say about all that's gone on in the last couple of weeks: a trip back to iowa for the christmas holiday, lots of busy-ness at work and decisions to be made, the completion (well, almost) of the last two ph.d. applications, preparing for audrey and sheila's visit for the nye holiday. now that I list it all as such, it doesn't really seem as if I've been up to all that much. I guess adding in all of the socializing and whatnot would beef up my calendar to the chaotic pace at which it currently is. honestly, I know that I'm not 'important' in a prestigious sort of way and that many things that I need/want to do could be done by me, but lately, I just haven't had the time. and here, I'll restate something I said at least three times yesterday: I need a personal assistant. again, a statement that isn't really all that true (I mean for god's sake, I don't have children, I am not singularly responsible for some gigantic effort, I'm not a complete scatterbrain), but there are many more things for me to be doing than what I have accomplished as of late.

so, with the buildup to the new year, I am committing myself to making my life less difficult for myself, i.e. I will be more frank and open with certain people so as to shift some responsibility their way. this isn't a resolution per se but more so something that I would like to do more consistently for myself to alleviate the inner stress and anxiety that I too often allow myself to bear. (note: I realize that this definition of what this aim is does seem to bring it into the resolution category. but for me, it's somehow different.)

and with that all written and a sigh of relief in finally posting, I'm off to bed. audrey is already asleep and I would like to sleep for a bit before finally going to the gym in the morning. I am in need of a nice, long run to sort me out.

hope that this finds my friends and family well and happy with their experiences of 2005. it certainly has been quite a year. (I'll do my own little review later.)

oh, and ps, the following a some interesting articles that I browsed recently...

indie rock label success...well, yeah...

the great progressiveness of the u.k.; well done lads!


Blogger k said...

you're linking function now works!

10:30 AM  

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