state pride

state pride
Originally uploaded by jlpetersen.
so, I was in texas this week. austin and houston, to be exact. now, granted, there is much that could be said about my time in texas: the hurricane (blah, blah; I really can't hear anymore about rita. honestly, my ears wil bleed.), the tex-mex, the friendly people (are they trying to bump midwesterners out of the top spot of 'friendliest people?'), et cetera. but I'm not going to. why? well, partly because I'm absolutely knackered from the week. (travel time from houston hotel to chicago apartment: nearly 15 hours) partly because the whole reason for going to texas was for work and, frankly, who wants to talk about work on their blog. no one. well, few people. the number of you that want to read about it is even fewer.
so, with that, I post one of my more fun photos from texas. while I'm not negating the sense of anxiety and worry that pervaded houston while I was there, I'd rather not focus on it. so, no photos of the interstate filled with cars fleeing the city. no, no...just this little tidbit.
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