a spark

a spark
Originally uploaded by jlpetersen.
this has been quite the week: dissertating, returning to the working world, prepping (somewhat) to move into my new apartment, and well, more dissertating.
this morning I found some sort of spark with my paper, which is encouraging as I've come to become a bit disillusioned with my topic. one really cool part about this project is thinking of peress's approach to photography and thinking of my own in a more serious way than I ever have before. it's not that I'm contemplating some serious move towards becoming some sort of visual artist; it's just nice to think about something that I've come to enjoy more over the last year more seriously than I have before.
while I still have the last bits to take care of, my mind and body just can't do it anymore today. instead, a bit of pilates and a night out with some swell vassar folk. once this paper is done and I have come to terms with it personally, it will be nice to have a bit of cleansing time, to go back to feeling a bit more normal and less like a critical thinking machine fueled on lattes and green tea.
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