something about the day
something about today is not allowing me to move on with things.
there's no reason for it not to. I slept enough, warm and toasty near my space heater. I had a lovely conversation with one ms. sheila, who is about to become proficient in the art of scrubbing in. (she begins her surgery rotation tomorrow...good luck shay!) I read the paper online while munching on some go lean crunch cereal. I've even gone through the process of showering, dressing, primping, getting coffee, lightining candles, listening to woxy. good god, I'm in the grips of procrastination.
this really only happens when I feel like something is really important. so, there is the reason, staring at me blankly as if to say, 'duh.' whenever I bought into the idea that I should be a professor, that's what is catching up to me right now. imbuing every step of the process with too great of significance. that's my weakness.
perhaps this writing will have loosened my fingers and let all of this 'personal statement' business out of my head and onto the screen. here's hoping...
(ps yes, I realize just how snively I sound. whining about ph.d. applications...I am blessed, I know.)
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