less than 48 hours...
it's not that I'm counting the hours until I leave kigali. there have definitely been days when I was just waiting to leave, waiting for the beginning of august to come. but now, as the day is closer and closer, I have the standard mix of sad/excited/scared emotions. unless something comes up that I haven't planned, today was my last day of doing work. after being in a fairly constant state of working, it will be odd to not be thinking about who I should talk to or what people have told me. but hopefully a break from it will help me to process and appreciate what I've learned the last several weeks.
tonight I'll pack so that I can enjoy my friends tomorrow night without worrying too much. (I'm going to have some people get together for poisson grillé. and, of course, fantas.)
i know i already e-mailed you. but i just wanted to write and say have a safe trip home, and we can't wait to see you! love you!
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